Nights with a Cat Review


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Yoru wa Neko to Issho
Zutto Neko Shoshinsha


Nights with a Cat is about Fuuta-kun has never owned a cat before, but his younger sister, Pii-chan, moves into his house with the round gray cat Kyuruga. Inexperienced with cats, Fuuta-kun has no idea what to expect, and each night after he returns home is marked by odd and endearing surprises from his new pet.

Read Nights with a Cat Light novel


Yoru wa Neko to Issho is the anime adaptation of the manga with the same title written and ilustrated by Kyuru Z. This series is made up of 16 episodes in which the mc and his sister live with their grey cat and their regular behaviour. So slice of life but make it kitty.

Are you looking for something short? Are you looking for something quiet? Are you looking for something relatable if you’ve ever owned a pet especially a cat? Then Yoru wa Neko to Issho is that anime. Every episode was very short and contained a snippet of what life is like living with a cat. Some episodes were lol, others were sensible chuckles, and some were just a nod of a head (affectionate). I’m glad that I watched it and I would be open to watching more of it. In some ways it’s a shame each episode is so short, but I can see how there might not be enough material to stretch things out to a longer episode length.

The episodes however are REALLY short with barely 1 minute of content just before the ending, so each of them focuses on one single aspect of the cat-

Regarding the artstyle, it is unusual. Nonetheless it is cute and fun which is very fitting for the general feeling of the anime. The ending song is cute aswell, so I reccomend you do not skip it (at least the first time)

It’s overall a casual anime you can easily binge watch in half an hour. If you are a cat person, you’ll quite enjoy checking it out!

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Yoru wa Neko to Issho 夜は猫といっしょ Zutto Neko Shoshinsha Synopsis Nights with a Cat is about Fuuta-kun has never owned a cat before, but his younger sister, Pii-chan, moves into his house with the round gray cat Kyuruga. Inexperienced with cats, Fuuta-kun has no idea what to expect,...Nights with a Cat Review
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