Detective Conan: The Culprit Hanazawa Review


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Meitantei Conan: Hannin no Hanzawa-san
Detective Conan: Hanzawa the Criminal
名探偵コナン 犯人の犯沢さん


Detective Conan: The Culprit Hanazawa the anime adaptation of the spin-off manga Meitantei Conan: Hannin no Hanzawa-san that stars the black-silhouetted “criminal” that appears in Detective Conan representing the mystery culprits.

Watch Detective Conan: The Culprit Hanazawa


Let’s start off by saying if you’re not familiar with Detective Conan then you’re wasting your time here, this spin-off is a parody of that series and has nothing else to offer.
If you’re familiar with the series however, even if you only watched the classic episodes and nowhere near caught up with it, you can still watch and enjoy this.

Hannin no Hanzawa-San is a simple comedy/parody with short 5 minutes episodes, a catchy opening and a beautiful ending song. Is it funny? It probably won’t make you laugh your ass off (though it did get a few chuckles out of me), but it is very entertaining nonetheless.

If you haven’t noticed by now from the title, cover and trailer, this show is about the shadowy figure that represents the culprits in Detective Conan, it’s presented as a character named Hanzawa (which translates to culprit), so you already know what to expect from the kind of humor this show has to offer, but one thing I personally wasn’t prepared for and found to be a pleasant surprise, is how the main cast from the original series is portrayed in this one.

Hanzawa-san portrays the world of Detective Conan in a silly way, as an apocalyptic city full of murder, which is hilarious by itself, but instead of doing that as a one time joke they actually build upon it, making it some sort of sarcastic world building, and it works well.
And then there’s the main cast, whom instead of being characters with roles in the story, they are used as the punchlines of their own parodies, for example in one episode Hanzawa shows murderous intent, suddenly out of nowhere Conan and Heiji start following him, they don’t even interfere with what’s going on at the time, they’re only part of the background and never even say a single word, they’re almost creepy in a funny way, makes you feel like they’re watching you all the time in this world, it’s a subtle joke parodying how Conan and Heiji often tend to randomly look at a person and find them suspicious for no reason, and they’re always at the right place and right time for a murder case.

The visuals are surprisingly pretty good, the characters may look a bit different due to the art-style, but you’ll get used to it in no time, especially if you never skip the opening song (which is simply fantastic).

There’s really no reason not to watch this show if you’re sold on it already and can find its episodes, it’s very light and easy to watch without worrying about time, either way I hope you got something out of this review.
Your feedback will be appreciated, have a good day.

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Meitantei Conan: Hannin no Hanzawa-san Detective Conan: Hanzawa the Criminal 名探偵コナン 犯人の犯沢さん Synopsis Detective Conan: The Culprit Hanazawa the anime adaptation of the spin-off manga Meitantei Conan: Hannin no Hanzawa-san that stars the black-silhouetted "criminal" that appears in Detective Conan representing the mystery culprits. Watch Detective Conan: The Culprit Hanazawa Review Let's start off...Detective Conan: The Culprit Hanazawa Review
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