The Irregular at Magic High School: Reminiscence Arc begins with siblings Tatsuya and Miyuki Shiba shine bright in their own right as they start their second year at First High School, the premier institute...
Police in a Pod follows Mai Kawai, a police officer that has grown increasingly disgruntled and disappointed with her job. Kawai decides to throw in the towel and is about to turn in her...
Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san 3 starts as summer break comes to an end, Nishikata is stoked to try out his newest pranks and finally outdo his classmate Takagi once and for all. Despite his...
Blue Thermal spins a youthful tale of a competitive college glider club whose members come of age through struggle, positivity and a pure love of flight. Tamaki Tsuru, a freshman at Aonagi University, was...
Heike Monogatari is about the Taira clan, also known as the Heike, holds immense authority over Japan. When a young girl, gifted with an odd eye that allows her to see the future, foolishly...
Attack on Titan: The Final Season Part 2 continue the story about Eren, he's turning against his former allies and enemies alike, Eren Yeager sets a disastrous plan in motion. Under the guidance of...
The Orbital Children happen in the year 2045, Internet and artificial intelligence have become widespread in the outer space. Following a massive accident at a space station, a group of children are left behind....
The Quintessential Quintuplets Movie is about Futaro has led five quintuplets to the point where they can graduate and pursue their own dreams. Now, finally, they had reached their final school festival. Having decided...